Louis Palme
Aug 02, 2017
Hardly a week goes by without a newspaper article or a public service announcement that depicts Muslims as victims of bigotry or Islamophobia. FBI statistics actually show that Jews are ten times more likely to be victims of religious hatred than Muslims. The latest example of this defense of Muslims-as-Victims is a Public Service Announcement being distributed in Boston, San Francisco, and New York.

While some individual Muslims may be seen as victims of their own ideology, it is easy to make the case that Muslim leadership in the U.S. are actually the aggressors in the cultural clash between Islam and the rest of the community:
- Leaders mandate Sharia Law which is in direct conflict with the provisions of the U.S. Constitution
- Sharia Law insists that Muslims should not assimilate or emulate non-Muslims.
- Leaders urge Muslims, don’t cooperate with law enforcement
- Leaders use “lawfare” to circumvent local zoning laws implemented to prevent urban blight.
- Leaders demand special concessions in public schools, including halal menus, prayer rooms, and Islamic holidays even when Muslims are a minority in the school.
- Leaders demand prayer breaks for Muslim workers at factories, even though this is not a requirement of Sharia Law.
So perhaps it would be more realistic and rational to remind the public that Muslims are the perpetrators of greater violence than the so-called Islamophobes. Here are a couple of alternate posters for Boston and the other cities based on actual Islamic terrorist incidents:
A bystander’s guide to dealing with Islamic terrorism
 1. Engage in conversation |  2. Pick a random subject and start discussing it |
 3. See what happens |  4. Maybe this isn’t working |
Boston Still Home of the Islamic Society of Boston Mosque |
Of course, other cities have aligned with Muslims-as-Victims, even when the Muslim is the perpetrator. Here is a poster for Minneapolis, where a bystander was shot by a Muslim cop after calling for help from 911:
A bystander’s guide to dealing with Islamic terrorism
 1. Engage in conversation |  2. Try to build a safe place for the victim |
 3. See what happens |  4. Maybe this isn’t working |
Minneapolis Where Islamic Impunity trumps justice |
If there are any Muslims still reading my article, here is my advice to you:
Most of you (or your parents) left your native country because it was a failed state. Yet you bring with you the principal element of that failed state – adherence to Sharia Law. In 1400 years since Muhammad there has not been a single country that exhibited the stated ideals of an Islamic society, namely, equality, justice, and peace. The promise of such a society is actually becoming more remote and impossible, as the greatest number of victims of Islamic violence is among Muslims themselves. The United States is a country where freedom of religion is guaranteed and protected by the rule of law. You can choose among liberal versions of Islam, many more liberated religions, or no religion at all. Stop being a victim, and choose freedom instead.
Here are the sources documenting the aggressive actions by Muslim leaders:
See: http://freedomoutpost.com/muslims-demand-tax-funded-halal-food-public-schools/
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