Alan Caruba
Feb 02, 2011

Imagine that every day of your life begins with a morning call to prayer from minarets around the city or village in which you live.
Imagine that you are required to pray five times throughout the day, every day.
Imagine that the law of the land is based on Sharia, taken from the Koran.
Imagine that you live in a nation where stoning women, beheading criminals, and other draconian, ancient punishments are deemed acceptable.
Imagine being Muslim and knowing that conversion from Islam is punishable by death.
Imagine saying or doing anything that might be interpreted as disrespect for Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, can get you whipped or killed.
Imagine a religion that has no tolerance for any other religion, even those that existed for two or three thousand years prior to Islam.
Imagine a religion that sanctions suicide if it is done for the purpose of killing others.
Imagine a religion that has routinely taken over the temples and churches of other faiths and builds mosques in their place or a religion that builds its mosques upon the most holy sites of other religions.
Imagine a culture that reduces women to chattel owned by their fathers and their husbands.
Imagine a culture that permits the killing of women for “dishonoring” the family.
Imagine a religion in which a close associate of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, said, “We have not reached parity with them. We have the right to kill four million Americans—two million of them children—and to exile as many and wound and cripple hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with fatal maladies that have afflicted the Muslims because of the (Americans’) chemical and biological weapons.”
Imagine a religion that, on Iranian television, June 25, 2004, says, “May Allah, by virtue of the Hidden Iman, remove the evil America and Israel from humanity.”
A recent news report says “Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build ‘dirty’ bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents.”
In his book, “In the words of our enemies”, Jed Babbin, wrote “Like the Nazis, the radical Islamists play on the same sense of persecution and cultural inferiority that many people in underdeveloped nations possess because they are oppressed. And, like the Nazis, the Islamists have convinced their followers that the problems of their world are the fault of others. The Islamists blame every ill of their world on America, the West, the Jews, and Israel.”
The Middle East and Northern African nations in which Islam dominates are in a state of turmoil, seeking to overthrow the despots that have ruled for decades. No matter who is selected to replace them, Islam remains the guiding principle in the lives of their people.
Imagine a religion that divides the world into Dar al Islam, the land of Islam, and Dar al Harb, the land of war.
They cannot be accommodated.
They negotiate only with the end goal of achieving domination.
They cannot be deterred except through the use of force.
The translation of the word “Islam” is “submission.”
We share the planet with 1.6 billion Muslims and we must either convert them or defeat them.
© Alan Caruba, 2011
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