Louis Palme
Jun 12, 2015
Dear Muslim friend,
ISIS is the vanguard of the new Islamic Caliphate. Their objective is to restore Islam to its triumphal status at the time of Muhammad – invoking hudud Sharia Law everywhere and destroying all Muslims and non-Muslims who will not follow their call (dawah). If you are not inspired by the actions and pronouncements of ISIS, perhaps you should join the millions of Muslims who are turning to the very opposite movement today – embracing Isa, who was called Messiah (Surah 3:45) and who is alive and was risen to be with God. (Surah 4:158). The choice is quite clear:

“Run away from the evil things that young people long for. Try hard to do what is right. Have faith, love, and peace. Do these things together with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (II Timothy 2:22)
Isa vs. Muhammad based on the Quran:
- Isa was protected from sin (Surah 3:36), while Muhammad was burdened with many sins. (See Surah 47:19 and 48:2)
- Isa was favored by God (Surah 5:45), whereas Muhammad was just a warner. (Surah 22:49)
- Isa could perform miracles, and Muslims today still pray to Isa for healing and help. (See Surahs 2:253 and 5:110.) Muhammad’s only miracle was the Quran – which is filled with hatred and violent commands. (See Surah 17:90 – 93)
- Isa did not commit murder, keep slaves, or rape young girls. Muhammad did all of these, and the Quran sanctioned his followers to do the same. (See Surahs 8:12, 33:50, and 65:4)
The Quran recommends that people consult Isa’s Gospel (Injil) , called God’s word (Surah 3:45), and follow it.
- God gave Jesus (Isa) the Gospel, in which there is “guidance and light.” (Surah 5:46)
- If the People of the Book observe the Torah and the Gospel, they will “enjoy abundance from above and from beneath.” (Surah 5:66)
- IF you doubt what has been revealed in the Quran, “ask those who have read the Scriptures before you.” (Surah 10:94)
How can I believe in Isa without becoming an apostate (murtadd) ?
The demands of Islam are mostly external -- having to do with appearance and rituals. Isa only cares about what is internal -- your faith in His saving power, the purity of your heart, and your commitment to Him. “So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do.” (Romans 3:28) Your Muslim family and community do not need to know those internal things until you have the support of fellow-believers in Isa and until you have a deep understanding of the teachings of Isa. Be wary, be careful.
What can I do to turn myself towards a faith in Isa?
Recognize that Isa was favored by God and the Quran. You will need to read the Gospel to learning anything substantive about Isa. Copies are available via the Internet, and they can even be downloaded for free. Get a copy in your native language – and begin reading The Gospel According to Mark, the very first account of Jesus – which was written 2,000 years ago. (Here is a link: http://www.easyenglish.info/english-learners-bible/mark-taw.htm# ) If you want to learn more about Him, try reading The Gospel According to Luke, next, and then The Acts of the Apostles. Those accounts are the easiest to understand.
The Promises of the Gospel that Will Change Your Life:
“Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
“[Jesus said,] ‘I have come that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’” (John 10:10)
“There is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
“I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.” (Philippians 4:13)
More information for Muslims who wish to turn toward Isa:
Ministry to Muslims Network: http://www.ministrytomuslims.com/
Refuge from Islam: http://freedomdefense.typepad.com/leave-islam/
Disclaimer: The articles published on this site represent the view of their writers.